15-17 November 2021 | European Ceramic Days 2021 | Brussels, Belgium


It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 2021 European Ceramic Days (21ECD), to be held on 15-16-17 November in Brussels, and in particular to the European Parliament Ceramics Forum (EPCF) scheduled for 16 November, which will be followed by the EPCF Cocktail & Dinner.

Due to the circumstances related to COVID-19, the 21ECD will be held as a hybrid event, in which participants can attend both in-person, as well as follow the sessions remotely (via Webex conference calls and live-stream through CU’s social media platforms).

The European Ceramic Days is an annual event that brings together high-level representatives of the European Ceramic Industry with officials and policymakers from national and EU authorities.

The 27th edition of the EPCF will focus on the EU FIT for 55 Package and how it can support the decarbonisation efforts of the Ceramic Industry, as well as the opportunities and challenges of Sustainable Finance.

In the light of the EU’s objective to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, we are delighted to announce that the European Ceramic Industry will officially launch its new decarbonisation Roadmap to 2050 during the 21ECD.
